She said
She said “Do you make up their issues?”. Not in a nasty or rude way, it wasn’t an accusation but a brave kind of wondering out loud. I am sure she is not the first to think or wonder that.
I simply said “No, I don’t.” and fought the usual pattern of taking it personally, feeling wounded or victimised. In my mind I added, ‘I see them, I feel them’.
So maybe I sense things that cannot yet be seen? That would not be noticed otherwise, until they grew into something physical? Not ghosts or spirits or anything like that but energy. It’s like asking if I make up my memories of them, the things I hear them say or see them do. Do I create them with my mind, my senses? Am I making them up?
I sense their issues, the subtle imbalances, the shifts this way or that in their mood, coping, vitality, emotions, health. Everything is energy, everything we see was energy first.
In hindsight I’ve always felt and responded to this energy. It used to make my life really hard but now it is my super power, in life and in being their mother. I didn’t understand it at all, about myself, for so many years. It was only when I saw him struggle that I was motivated to learn and search.
My need to help him cope was so much greater than my need to be able to cope ever was, before him.
It’s not to say that she should sense these things too. Some of us are born more sensitive, others less. Some of us grow more sensitive, others less. We all have our path. We are all energy though and we can all grow more aware if we choose to, if we need to, for ourselves, for our children. To understand what we are feeling and why, as a means of understanding our reactions and theirs. As a means to a calmer more peaceful family life.
So gradually I learned how to see what I feel around me as clear as a painting on the wall. I stopped being controlled by it and scared of it. I learned that there are situations where I need to work with the energy around me and times when I need to protect myself from it or shift it but that I always need to be aware of it. My energy, his energy, the energy of our environment.
I could keep feeling for him and looking after him accordingly forever. I could do this for everyone I know actually. I could grow my senses and move into energy healing to help even more people. Or I could help him to understand and grow an awareness of his energy and how he is affected by the energy around him. I could help you to do this too.
When we are working with food, medications or supplements for the physical body. When we are working with therapists and brain science for the mind. It can feel like we are doing everything we can but still feel so hard. Understanding energy in the real world, in the context of you, your child and your home can be the missing link. It’s working with and taking care of the spirit and we are MIND, BODY and SPIRIT.