I’ve felt nervy the past few mornings, I’ve felt it in my gut. Buzzing energy, scattered energy, unsettled digestion.
This morning was the morning after the full moon and while my gut felt the same as it has the past couple of mornings I felt differently about it. I felt some relief after laying out under the big full moon on the trampoline last night. That’s what the buzzing is, that’s where the energy is coming from. That’s part of the picture.
I got ready for work this morning, no appetite, no food in my belly, feeling nervy. It’s easy to let that unsettle me. It’s how I felt when…It led to…then. I stop and I breathe, I plant my feet on the Earth and face the sun.
I am not there. I am here. I am not her. I am now, this moment, feeling what I need to feel to find balance. I remember the moon. I suddenly understand that it doesn’t make me feel anything but it does make me feel what is here bigger. Bigger than my normal big.
Notice how you feel and notice when how you feel is bringing an overall sense of fear or worry. Take a moment to step back and notice what you are attaching the feeling to- a time, a place, a person, a memory. Notice what might be amplifying it, not to make it ‘worse’ but to make it harder for you to ignore. It’s asking you to heal something old alongside what it needs from you now. It’s an opportunity.
Come back to just the feeling, remind yourself that you are safe (even if, especially if, you were not safe in the memory you are feeling) and simply do what the feeling is asking of you now. Seperate the memory from what is here now in order to address both.
My body is asking me to focus on my gut health right now, and rest. Back to basics, simple to digest, nourishing food. Slow down, settle, ground. Stay here in the now and out of the anxiety of ‘what’s going wrong here?’.
What do I know and have that can help with that? What is the best I can do, in this moment with what I have?
That I can do and I hope this might help you to be able to as well