
Energy goes out, and then comes back again.

Some things open the channel for it to drain quickly. Some things help to steady the flow.

Some of those things are universal, human. Some vary as much as we do.

Energy goes out, sometimes like water through a flood gate.

Even then, it comes back again. When we allow it to be gone. When we accept how it feels to be emptied and shift the experience from one of lack and regret and blame and frustration to an experience of curiosity around how to refill empty space.

The energy comes back. When we find rest, when we stop to replenish, most importantly when we get out of its way.

Energy builds up, and then disperses again.

Some things add fuel to the fire, to spark an explosion, some things help to keep it at bay.

Some of these things are universal, human. Some of them vary as much as we do.

Energy builds up, sometimes like water boiling over coals.

Even then, it disperses again. When we allow it to be there, when we accept how it feels to be full and alive with it and turn the energy in motion from an experience of chaos and regret and blame and frustration to an experience of curiosity around how to clear space.

The energy disperses, when we find rest, when we stop to ground. Again, when we get out of its way.

Our children are learning how to manage their energy as it empties and when it overflows. Unseen, unexplained, often confusing energy. They are learning, not from worksheets or lectures we give them but by watching us and how we manage ours. Even if we are unaware of ours.

Often, when we are not aware of our energy, they are learning patterns that we learned from others before us who were also unaware.

Learning about energy gives us the chance to notice, to unravel our stories and connect the dots to give our children something different.

Being aware of our energy gives us the opportunity to show them, as we live, how their energy moves through them and out of them. How it builds up and depletes and how they can acknowledge, nurture and eventually, with practice, align with it and all of its potential. 

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